here's a tip for Miss Wati, -the words, contrast and fonts of the blogs may be harmful for your eyes if you stare on the web page for too long. just copy paste the enteries we've written onto Microsoft word. It may help?

** It's alittle bit in point form writing.

Sunday, January 27

Blog Topic = No topic

Since its kind of like free writing, I guess I'll write about a wallpaper I've personally edited in the computer in 3 days time. It is about an anime that I've recently watched. It's proper name is "Kate-kyo Hitman Reborn", but if you want to search it in the online web videos, it's "Kateikyoshi Hitman Reborn".

I will just roughly estimate the time I've used in this wallpaper. Starting from Friday, 25th of January, at about 9pm I've completed my research of pictures for the wallpaper. Then I started editing it through PhotoShop until 12am. After that I went to sleep and continued editing on the next day, started at about 3pm and completed it at 11pm. No doubt there was a break time between 6pm-8pm. I woke up today at about 7 am and did a final touch-up on the wallpaper at 8am. Managed to fully complete it at 9.10am.

And here's the Final Work. It's kind of tedious for an amateur like me. Basically it is all formed from cut, copy, paste. Once you know this is how I've done it, I think it isn't much of a big deal to the general audience. But the wallpaper is a huge accomplishment to me because this is the first time I've ever done such a big project.